Saturday, September 4, 2010

Flyer sketches--between heaven and earth

More flyer sketches I can’t resist them.
They are almost religious to me.
Not a cuddly as putti—more daring.

These little angels hurl themselves into space, without wings.

Somewhere between firmament and water, care is abandoned and they are the expression of complete joy and faith.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sun Hat in Loggia

Sun Hat in the Loggia

Not to be confused with someone who would marry the devil.
This hatted femme sat on a porch on a near perfect day, sun spilling around her from the arbor above.

It was a “Room with a View” 2010, fields honey colored, the coolness of a loggia.

The warm and cool captured in the warm of her sunlit hat and the grey that washed everything else.

We begin to ask the eternal why?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rain in the Summer Time

Rain when the sun shines. Old Texans say that means the devil is beating his wife.

This afternoon at Corinthian boat club, I painted quickly because the sunny moments would disappear behind a rain cloud.

If the devil is in the details I left them out, to capture the rhythm of the naked masts.

The distance shore muted. Rapid brushstrokes in a swiftly changing sky evoked the feeling that this was not our typical August sky.

25 minutes

My Mother, a Texan, says that a woman marries whoever asks.

Who would marry the devil? That's another question entirely.

Monday, July 19, 2010

life on the water

Recently, I have had lots of experiences with water. I saw the oil spill from an airplane-where the oil poured out in thick pink ribbons and the tankers surrounding it were tiny like legos. I have sat in the rain in full, clear Texas rivers-painting green waters and sheltering cypress. But most of all, I have experienced water by living on it. I have just returned to a dryer world from living on a houseboat in the middle of a bay of beavers. I canoed to see their lodge. I have painted every day. We say all of the time that rivers, lakes and streams are living things. We even call them bodies of water. But do we really believe that, treat them as such. What do they smell, see, feel, touch?
These notions have captured my imagination in the next series of images.